Sunday, March 27, 2011

One of those weeks

Do you ever have weeks where you're just plain glad they're over? Such was last week for me. It started out with a busy work schedule (for me that's working every day) and then adding on too many things. I LOVE all my family activities, but why do they have to all come together?

Went to gym. Went to work Monday night Michael's car broke down in Galt and we had to tow it to Elk Grove where I then had to drive and pick him up and drop him back off in Carmichael and then back to Folsom.

Tuesday went to gym. Took Michael out to rent a car to get to work. Went to work. Go get car loan pre-approved at credit union. Look for car. Go to Braden's Three Piggy Opera. (see picture above - before he put on his pig nose).

Wednesday went to gym. Went to work. Got nails done (and ruined 1/2 of them before I got to my house). Picked up my mom to take her to lunch for her birthday. Picked up loan papers at dealership. Went to lunch. Took mom home., Went home to wait for U-verse repairman.

Thursday went to gym. Went to work. Went to Maren's Suisical (see picture above), McDonald's, took them home and then home late to Folsom.

Friday went to gym. Went to work. Went home to wait for another U-verse repairman.

Saturday went to gym. Got MASSAGE. Stayed in pj's the rest of the day until time for the movies where we saw The Adjusment Bureau. Interesting.

I'm just pooped for no good reason. This week weather will be wonderful and life will be better.


Shewi128 said...

How in the HECK does Mike ruin all of his cars??

Jules AF said...

wah wah wah. Too much family time. wah wah wah.

Sue said...

It was 6 years old with 130,000 miles so not really ruined by Michael, just worn out.