Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tax Season is Crazy!!!!!

We're about half way through tax "season" and life is hectic -- more for Dave than for me. Isn't life weird that there is actually a fifth season of the year to celebrate paying money to the government??????
Dave works 6 days a week and I'm still averaging 4. It makes life and work bearable to be able to count on a few days off. But he only does it for 3 months so........workable!
I'm taking off next week to go visit J before she starts an externship that is full-time in a hospital setting. That's the one she really wants to shine at because she wants to get a job (but first that pesky 9 month training stuff) in a hospital setting. Here's hoping it's everything she thinks it will be (and that she gets the job after the externship).
J sold his house and now gets the pleasure of immediately packing everything up and then finding a rental to live in for 3 months while they build his house. Lucky guy! I'm visiting them next week in Utah too.
So even though my dad died and tax season is crazy, I'm enjoying the time spent with friends and family. My grandkids and kids are the light(s) of my life. I can't tell you all the funny things they do and say that make me smile.
What can I say?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Life goes on.......

My dad died 9 days ago. I can hardly believe that I won't see him if I go to his house. It all seems unreal. My kids all came home to "grieve" with me. They have jobs that allow them to have paid time off. I took off TWO hours this last week. I even worked the morning of the funeral because rescheduling regular clients is just plain too tiring to want to even attempt it. I just can't seem to grieve properly. I can only get weepy. Nothing more. What's wrong with me? I want to sob and sob and I can't. I will miss him even though we were not super close. You just knew he would be there. I can't believe he's gone.